Clubhouse Lawyer: Law in the World of Sports di Frederick J. Day edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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Clubhouse Lawyer: Law in the World of Sports

Law In The World Of Sports







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Descrizione Clubhouse Lawyer: Law in the World of Sports

In the summer of 2002, the St. Louis Cardinals baseball team relieved batting coach Mike Easler of his duties. Easler did not take the news quietly. He sued the Cardinals. A week later, Easler withdrew his lawsuit. His reason was simple. "I want to laugh again," he said. Not all developments involving sports and the law are so easily explained. From the baseball player who tries to enforce a "no-trade" clause to the female place-kicker who is encouraged to try "beauty pageants" instead of college football, the legal issues are abundant and often intricate. Clubhouse Lawyer provides an interesting and informative look at the role that the law plays in sports. Using compelling anecdotes, Clubhouse Lawyer explains legal concepts in a way that will amuse and entertain fans and athletes alike. Clubhouse Lawyer is a timely-and timeless-examination of the way the law shapes events on the playing field and in the locker room.

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