Climate Change and Agriculture di Dinesh Chandra Uprety, V. R Reddy, Jyostna Devi Mura edito da Springer-Verlag GmbH
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Climate Change and Agriculture

A Historical Analysis





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This book discusses the history of environmental science and climate change, and the initiation and development of different parameters determining climate changes. The account of the history of such changes and turmoil in India and abroad starts in the prehistoric period, long before the emergence of ¿Rigvedä, the first human written work. The book describes the writings of Aristotle and Theophrastus on climatic disasters and their impact on the vegetation and society in Greek and Roman history, and addresses different studies related to climate change during the prehistoric period and their chronological development. The first book of its kind, it enhances our understanding the origin of research on climate change and climate related problems, and as such is a valuable resource for postgraduate students of agriculture and environment sciences, research scholars, scientists, environmentalists and policy planners.

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