Clean Up Your Own Shit! di Nadin L. G. Benito edito da
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Clean Up Your Own Shit!

Evolving into a better self






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Descrizione Clean Up Your Own Shit!

Hypothetically... What if we were in a situation where no one was there to help us out in times of need? What if, when we looked around, we notice that we're standing all by ourselves, all alone? No one to have our back or give us support? Guess you learn the hard way that moment, that you, must clean up your own shit! This book is an illustration of different personal scenarios that I had to face and go through, alone. Unfortunate, but necessary, at a point in my life, when I had to learn to take accountability of my own actions. It is also a gateway to help you navigate through different emotions that, you, as an individual, is feeling and perceiving. It's a moment of reading filled with personal advice, inspiration, motivation and strength to empower you for life. May this book open your mind to rediscover yourself and bridge the gap that has been holding you back from fulfilling your destiny. But also to evolve for the better... after Cleaning Up Our Own Shit!

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