Classroom Management Through Behavioral Interventions That Work di Ph. D. Laura A. Riffel, Doctoral Candidate Jessica R Eggleston edito da
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Classroom Management Through Behavioral Interventions That Work

Tier Two Strategies






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Descrizione Classroom Management Through Behavioral Interventions That Work

This book focuses on tier two strategies for classroom management. When teachers feel empowered with information, classroom management is easier. This book is filled with specific strategies based on Dr. Riffel's Triple T- Triple R chart. The three T's are 1) Trigger (what sets the behavior in motion), 2) Target (what behavior do you want to target for change), and 3) impacT (what is the student gaining or escaping by engaging in this behavior). The three R's to combat the three T's are 1) Revise the environment (set the student up for success by changing the environment, 2) Replace the behavior (Teach the student what you want to see instead of telling them what not to do, and 3) Reframe your response (change how you react to the target behavior and feed the replacement behavior. When these three formats are followed, the behavior dissipates. This book also includes specific strategies on many common classroom target behaviors. This book coincides with Dr. Riffel's Tier Two Training.

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