Civilization di William A Ewing, Holly Roussell edito da Thames & Hudson Ltd
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The Way We Live Now





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Descrizione Civilization

Our fast-changing world seen through the lenses of 140 leading contemporary photographers around the globe. With close to 500 images, many previously unpublished, this landmark publication takes stock of the material and spiritual cultures that make up â?¿civilizationâ?¿. Ranging from the ordinary to the extraordinary, from our great collective achievements to our ruinous collective failings, Civilization: The Way We Live Now explores the complexity of contemporary civilization through the rich, nuanced language of photography. Featuring images by some 140 photographers â?¿ from Reiner Riedlerâ?¿s families at leisure parks, Raimond Woudaâ?¿s high schools, Wang Qingsongâ?¿s Work, Work, Work and Cindy Shermanâ?¿s Society Portraits, to Lauren Greenfieldâ?¿s displays of ostentatious wealth, Edward Burtynskyâ?¿s oil fields, Pablo Lopez Luzâ?¿s views on a sprawling contemporary megalopolis, Thomas Struthâ?¿s images of high technology, Xing Danwenâ?¿s electronic wastelands and Taryn Simonâ?¿s Contraband, Civilization draws together the threads of humankindâ?¿s ever-changing, frenetic, collective life across the globe. Visually epic, Civilization is presented through eight thematic chapters, each featuring powerful imagery and accompanied by provocative essays, quotes and concise statements by the artists themselves.

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