Churches and Castles of Mediaeval France di Walter Cranston Larned edito da Cosimo Classics
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Churches and Castles of Mediaeval France





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"There cannot be many places in the world that produce so profound an effect upon the mind, the imagination, and the sense of beauty as." Which place is Walter Cranston Larned about to describe? The Cathedral of Amiens? The Chateau of Langeais? The Cathedral of Rheims? The Chateau of Blois? Actually, he's referring to the walled city of Carcassonne in ancient Languedoc. It is but one of the dozens of historical monuments he lovingly describes this charming work. Churches and Castles of Mediaeval France is an illustrated record of a traveler's impressions of the great monuments of France. It's written just for those who love their beauty and care about the place they hold in the history of the French people. WALTER CRANSTON LARNED (1850-1914) was the author of two subsequent books: Arnaud's Masterpiece: A Romance of the Pyrenees in 1897 and Rembrandt: A Romance of Holland in 1898.

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