Chronicles Of The Caribbean Pea di Nunez Dayana Nunez edito da Xulon Press
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Chronicles Of The Caribbean Pea

Based On A True Story


Xulon Press





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Descrizione Chronicles Of The Caribbean Pea

Have you experienced a series of events that make you wonder, "why is God not answering me?" Chronicles of the Caribbean Pea allows you to understand that our challenges can make us stronger. Told in a language we all can understand. A brief story of the life of a little pea showing endurance through life's most difficult challenges. Dayana Nunez brings us closer to the ultimate revelation that the process will bring us to where we are supposed to be to fulfill our divine purpose. Everything works for the better, and that prayers are answered at the proper time. Dayana Núñez was born in New York City. After many struggles, at the age of nine, she was separated from her mother and sent to the Dominican Republic, not knowing she would never live with her mother again. She graduated magna cum laude with an engineering degree. She has been teaching mathematics in the NYC public school system since 2004. She currently has two beautiful children of her own. Her personal experiences, and those of her hundreds of students, have inspired this book.

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