A Chronicle Volume II di Eae Gerber edito da Lulu.com
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A Chronicle Volume II







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Descrizione A Chronicle Volume II

In the last two years, the group known as the Committee has established itself as a force for good. Led by well-meaning former criminals, the Committee has done their best to help those in need, often in direct opposition to the Galactic Security Forces. Usually one step ahead of the government agents hunting them, of late our Heroes are finding it difficult to evade. Heviss Rotham does not perceive what he is doing as hunting. Rather, he is motivated by a promise to protect the last of his family; his cousin Hoffman, who has found himself entangled with the Committee. How far will Heviss go to find his cousin, when it means working within a system he questions? Meanwhile, secrets and differing opinions threaten to divide the Committee itself. Torn between personal and galactic obligations, our Heroes face threats far less overt than that of the GSF. Posted bounties, hidden enemies, and impending invasions are only the beginning. Sometimes, there is nothing more dangerous than a forgotten dream.

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