The Christmas Robot di Sheila Heath edito da Page Publishing Inc
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The Christmas Robot





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Descrizione The Christmas Robot

After being given to a little boy for Christmas from Santa, a very excited and happy robot named Robie Junior goes to work immediately playing with the little boy and guarding his toys. At first, they are inseparable, playing during the day and cuddling up to sleep at night. Eventually, the newness wears off, and Robie Junior finds himself alone most of the time. Robie Junior's heart is broken, but nonetheless, he continues to stay in the little boy's room guarding all his toys. This situation gets worse when the little boy receives more new toys from Santa. As time passes, Robie Junior is alone most of the time and eventually finds himself in serious trouble. In a moment of complete despair, Robie Junior's desperate situation is recognized by the little boy. Feeling love and sadness for Robie Junior, the little boy rescues him, and Robie Junior is once again filled with joy and happiness!

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