Christmas on Stage di Zapel edito da Christian Publishers LLC
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Christmas on Stage

Anthology of Royalty-free Christmas Plays for All Ages





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Descrizione Christmas on Stage

The main objective of this book is to help make Christmas more meaningful - and fun! - for performers and audiences alike with this diverse collection of 27 Christmas plays and readings suitable for classroom, chancel, or youth group presentations. With selections for elementary and middle grades, teens, and adults, you can find something to fit almost any size cast, age group, and staging situation. You'll love the wide variety offered: contemporary comedies, fantasies, classics, re-enactments of the Christmas story, children's pageants, carol programs, mime, and dance programs. In addition, several Readers Theatre plays require no memorization and minimal rehearsal. Many of these plays and readings are easily staged with a minimum of costumes and props. Bring to life the true message and spirit of Christmas in this highly entertaining and engaging way. Since no royalty payments are required for performances, this low-cost anthology is a wise investment for any Christian drama group.

Spedizione GRATUITA sopra € 25
€ 24.51
Disponibile in 10-12 giorni
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