Christian Councils as Agents of Reconciliation and Change di Lulsegged Abebe edito da VDM Verlag
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Christian Councils as Agents of Reconciliation and Change


VDM Verlag





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Descrizione Christian Councils as Agents of Reconciliation and Change

Christian councils in Africa have not always been involved in peacemaking, despite the fact that building peace is a mandate for all Christians, as the Bible clearly states. But in the decade between 1900 and 2000, two African councils - the National Council of Churches of Kenya and the South African Council of Churches - vividly demonstrated their expertise in effecting peace and reconciliation, and showed that Christian Councils have certain faith- based advantages other third party interveners do not posses. This book recounts the councils' efforts, strategies, and tactics in post-apartheid South Africa and during the advent of multipartyism in Kenya, as the two countries began travelling the long road to inclusive and participatory democracy.

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