Chosen: Book One of the Chosen Saga di Larrah Thomas edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Chosen: Book One of the Chosen Saga

Book One Of The Chosen Saga





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Descrizione Chosen: Book One of the Chosen Saga

Molly Hendrix and her family have just moved to North Carolina following her mother's attack in Baltimore, Maryland. Molly will be beginning her senior year of high school in the fall. Her eighteenth birthday is right around the corner. Falling in love is the last thing on her mind, when a local hottie named Toby Brennan swims into her life. Toby Brennan is the star quarterback for Uwharrie Mountain High School. He is immediately smitten with Molly the moment he sees her. Sparks fly and ignite a flaming passion that neither of them can ignore. Molly and Toby's romance is in bloom when their parents drop a bomb that will change their lives forever. Until this point in their lives, Molly and Toby have lived to believe they are typical teenagers. The truth of their existence will turn their worlds upside down.

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