Choices Are for the Living di Michele Davenport edito da AuthorHouse
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Choices Are for the Living

Choose a Life Worth Repeating







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Descrizione Choices Are for the Living

Choices Are For The Living is a spiritual journey every believer should take. It begins with one simple yet profound question...Do we fear the Lord? In other words, do we have a "reverential awe" of the Most High God? As Christians, a positive response comes easily, but our true answer is always reflected in our choices. This is not a legalistic or "works-based" theology. Instead, it's an authentic, heartfelt, "crazy in love" faith response to Christ Himself. Led by the Spirit, Michele challenges us to ask some hard questions. Are we willing to uncompromisingly obey the Word of God at all costs? Will we follow the Holy Spirit no matter where He leads? Do our words say "Yes" while our choices scream "No"? This message is a wake-up call for the church. It's time we choose commitment over complacency, action over apathy and passion over passivity. Allow the Spirit to use this anointed, inspired book to spark in you a reverent fear of Almighty God. Refuse to live a single day as a lukewarm Christian. Be willing to make choices with eternal significance...and be ready to turn your world upside down for Jesus! Lori Jonas Women's Minister Church of the Harvest, Olathe KS

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