China's Economic Development Strategies for the 21st Century di Harry J. Waters, Unknown edito da Quorum Books
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China's Economic Development Strategies for the 21st Century


Quorum Books





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Descrizione China's Economic Development Strategies for the 21st Century

China's economic development plans and programs for the next century are designed to place her among the world leaders as an economic powerhouse. In order to compete, businesses from around the world must understand the direction in which China is moving. In this way they can better work within Chinese policy to access the Chinese market and production potential. Business people need to develop a pragmatic approach to the Chinese political system, acknowledging that it is likely to remain in place, and leaving its evaluation to the political scientists.Business leaders and policymakers on the state through multinational levels will benefit from this thorough review and analysis of the Chinese policy aimed at economic development. Scholars and students will find much interesting material concerning the world in which we will be doing business in the next century.

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