China Dolls di Michelle Yu, Blossom Kan edito da St. Martins Press-3PL
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China Dolls





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Descrizione China Dolls

Meet the three unforgettable women of China DollsM.J., a New York City-based journalist trying to achieve her dreams of becoming what her traditional Chinese parents could have never imagined: an on-air broadcaster in the very white, very male world of sports. . . . Alex, a successful lawyer who constantly fights the stereotype of the submissive, docile Asian woman---until heartbreak leaves her speechless. . . . and Lin, a Wall Street exec whose interest in the office playboy puts her at risk of falling head over Jimmy Choo heels in love. . . .From red envelopes to pink slips, Mahjong to speed dating, these twentysomething women can always find time to bridge their worlds and come together to dish, dine, whine, and have dim sum as they journey through the ups and downs of life and love. And what a wonderful ride it is!

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