Children's Friendship Training di Fred D. Frankel, Robert J. Myatt edito da Taylor & Francis Ltd
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Children's Friendship Training





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Descrizione Children's Friendship Training

"Children's Friendship Training" is a complete manualized guide for therapists treating children with peer problems. This unique, empirically validated treatment is the first to integrate parents into the therapy process to ensure generalization to school and home. Representing over twelve years of research, "Children's Friendship Training" presents the comprehensive social skills training program developed by these pioneering authors. Step-by-step interventions help children develop the skills to initiate mutually satisfying social interactions. These interactions can lead to higher regard within the peer group and the development of satisfying dyadic relationships that will, in turn, serve to enhance overall well being. Clinical and empirical rationales, illustrative case examples and parent handouts that educate parents and give specific guidelines for homework assignments are presented for each treatment module. Brief relevant reviews of the child development literature and selective reviews of assessment techniques and other approached to children's social skills training are presented to sufficiently acquaint therapists interested in implementing children's friendship training.

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