Children's Creative Inquiry in STEM edito da Springer International Publishing
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Children's Creative Inquiry in STEM





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Descrizione Children's Creative Inquiry in STEM

This edited volume brings together international research that explores children¿s creativity in STEM inquiry. It takes the position that creativity is relevant in all aspects of life and is essential for adaptable and innovative thinking. The research informed content of the book, highlights both challenges and opportunities for growing children¿s creativity. The book focuses on fostering children¿s creativity and natural curiosity in the world around them through STEM inquiry. Through STEM inquiry, children are learning through a cross- disciplinary approach where they apply concepts from multiple fields as they are thinking creatively, problem solving and constructing solutions. Educators play a critical role in encouraging children¿s creativity by modelling creativity, providing creative projects for children and importantly, establishing rich culturally connected environments where children have the resources, conditions and opportunities for acting and thinking creatively. The book provides a lens for looking at children¿s creativity in a range of different cultural settings. It offers insight and guidance to future research and will build educators¿ capacity for developing children¿s creative practices.

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