Child Justice Administration in Africa di Mariam Adepeju Abdulraheem-Mustapha edito da Springer International Publishing
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Child Justice Administration in Africa





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This interdisciplinary book analyzes the nature of child justice administration in Africa, particularly focusing on Nigeria and South Africa. The author uses a comparative approach in analyzing the legal regime and practice of child justice administration in Africa by recommending South Africa as inspiration for Nigeria since the justice sector in South Africa is significantly more developed. It further investigates various problems and challenges associated with children in the criminal justice system in Africa, thereby contributing to the cross-fertilization and collaboration among African nations that contributes to the development of the continent as a whole. The monograph shows that children are not only neglected by academics and practitioners but also that there is no access to scholarly materials in this area of law in Africa. This work contributes to knowledge in the area of law and methodology on the issue of child justice administration, development studies, political science, and African studies.

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