Chewy's Chest di David Crain edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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Chewy's Chest







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Descrizione Chewy's Chest

Step into the world of Chewy, a five year old boy growing up on a farm back in the fifty's. Follow Chewy as he goes through difficult times learning to deal with the loss of a loved one and the discovery of things hidden. Watch Chewy as he goes from a boy lost in tragedy to a boy that finds long lost family secrets from the past that help to bring him out of his shell and back into the world with his dad. As Chewy struggles with the loss of his mother his father not only struggles with the loss of his wife and soul mate he struggles with his young son hiding from the world that took his mom. As a father, Chewy's dad must show undying love, patience, understanding and support. And he soon learns just how innocent but yet grown up a five year old can be. As Chewy steps out of his shell and into a world of make believe, or so his father thought, Chewy not only discovers piece of mind but he discovers things from the Green families past that will amaze the world and save the day.

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