Chemical Library Design edito da Springer-Verlag GmbH
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Chemical Library Design

Methods and Protocols





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Descrizione Chemical Library Design

Chemical library technologies have brought about dramatic changes in the drug discovery process, and, though still evolving, they have become an integral part of ongoing drug discovery research. In Chemical Library Design, experts in the field provide methods and detailed protocols delving into this key process of selecting useful, biologically relevant compounds from large pools of synthesizable candidates. This compendium includes chapters on historical overviews, state-of-the-art methodologies, including structure-based and fragment-based library design, practical software tools, and successful and important applications of chemical library design. As a volume in the popular Methods in Molecular Biology¿ series, the thorough contributions provide the kind of meticulous description and implementation advice that is crucial for getting optimal results. Authoritative and cutting-edge, Chemical Library Design is an ideal reference for all scientists seeking the technology needed to aid in the search for new and vital drugs.

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