Check and Mate - A Beginners Guide With 2000 Examples di Anastasiya Geller edito da Limited Liability Company Elk and Ruby Publishing
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Check and Mate - A Beginners Guide With 2000 Examples





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Descrizione Check and Mate - A Beginners Guide With 2000 Examples

Woman International Master and experienced children's coach Anastasiya Geller has written a textbook for beginners teaching them the very basics of attacking the enemy king. The reader will learn how to find a simple check and fully master one of the most important tactical elements in chess - checkmate in 1 move! The reader also learns how to choose the best defense against a check. The book contains 2000 exercises, most of which are checkmates in 1 move - from the simplest mates with one piece to mating using several tactical techniques at once. The first part of the book introduces the concept of check and shows the reader how to recognize a safe check, before teaching discovered check. The second part gradually introduces different types of mate in a logical sequence by the different pieces, beginning with the rook and then progressing to the bishop, queen and knight. The third part of the book explains how to checkmate in one move using key techniques: checkmate with capturing, checkmate with a pawn promotion, checkmate with protection (including checkmate with a pawn), checkmate with pinning, checkmate with a discovered check, and checkmate with a double check. Most of the positions to be solved have been selected from actual games of the strongest grandmasters of the present and the great masters of the past. For beginner chess players, their parents and coaches.

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