Chasing Normal di Tara Fuselli edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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Chasing Normal







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Descrizione Chasing Normal

City girl Eve Whitting has given up on love. Years spent living the roller coaster life has left her feeling lost and fed up with men. But escaping the city for her small hometown wasn't supposed to bring her face-to-face with sexy neighbor Joel Powell-a man quite possibly sent from the gods-or her mother wielding a book on Relationships and How to Have One. If Eve thought she had challenges before, she hasn't seen anything yet... Charming cowboy Joel Powell has given up on peace and quiet. His life is already filled to the brim with complications from his divorce and the alluring, feisty Eve Whitting has plunked herself right in the middle of it. With one failed marriage under his belt, Joel's warning bells are clanging, but there's something about Eve he just can't resist. While fighting for custody of his three-year-old son, Joel tries to temper his feelings for this woman who is fast becoming lodged in his heart. Faced with a burgeoning relationship that neither bargained for nor wanted, Eve and Joel must navigate through a minefield of broken dreams and broken hearts to find what true love-and true commitment-really mean.

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