Chariots of Gods or Demons?: The Incredible Truth about UFOs and Extraterrestrials di James Edward Gilmer edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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Chariots of Gods or Demons?: The Incredible Truth about UFOs and Extraterrestrials

The Incredible Truth About UFOs And Extraterrestrials







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Descrizione Chariots of Gods or Demons?: The Incredible Truth about UFOs and Extraterrestrials

Chariots of Gods or Demons flies galaxies beyond traditional books on UFO's and extraterrestrials. It addresses the many puzzling issues relating to extraterrestrial visitors in a clear, enlightening and even inspiring manner. Instead of simply listing UFO sightings, posing the usual questions and suggesting unsupported answers it poses the tough questions, delivers the answers and back them up with solid evidence - Where do UFO's come from? Why are they here? Where are their bases? These are just a few of the questions answered by this book. Chariots of Gods or Demons reveals little-known facts about extraterrestrials, the universe around us and mankind itself. Our origin and development as a species, our relationship with extraterrestrials and attitudes that limit our growth are among the topics discussed. Chariots of Gods or Demons is must reading for beginners or experts the curious or die-hard enthusiasts. No other book offers such a fountain of facts and revelations on this topic. And finally, no other such book can change your attitudes about life the way this one can.

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