Chariot of Fate di Sigrun Norton edito da Page Publishing Inc
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Chariot of Fate



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Descrizione Chariot of Fate

Life vanishing in the "rearview mirror" and friends' questions "how did you meet your husband" inspire Sigrun to delve into a colorful past. Her life was touched by a parade of interesting events and people even before her unexpected rendezvous with fate and James, the man who totally changed her direction and circumstances. She describes her origin and background touched by comfort and horror of war. We see her through a part of the German educational system, including high school and boarding school. There are facets of American intervention, political and charitable, that lay the groundwork for Sigrun's choices and decisions to change life and language to another culture and continent. Instead of building a life on the rubble of war, she falls deeply in love, changes course westward, and chooses a path many others may have taken. She leaves a prepared, expected existence and follows her inner voice into the "new world" of adventure.

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