Characteristic Functions, Scattering Functions and Transfer Functions edito da Springer Basel AG
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Characteristic Functions, Scattering Functions and Transfer Functions

The Moshe Livsic Memorial Volume





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Descrizione Characteristic Functions, Scattering Functions and Transfer Functions

The notions of transfer function and characteristic functions proved to be fundamental in the last fifty years in operator theory and in system theory. Moshe Livsic played a central role in developing these notions, and the book contains a selection of carefully chosen refereed papers dedicated to his memory. Topics include classical operator theory, ergodic theory and stochastic processes, geometry of smooth mappings, mathematical physics, Schur analysis and system theory. The variety of topics attests well to the breadth of Moshe Livsic's mathematical vision and the deep impact of his work. The book will appeal to researchers in mathematics, electrical engineering and physics.

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