Chaos Theory: A Novel of Psychological Suspense di Matthew Vierling edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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Chaos Theory: A Novel of Psychological Suspense

A Novel Of Psychological Suspense







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Descrizione Chaos Theory: A Novel of Psychological Suspense

They were six academic fugitives from prestigious universities and elite private academies--Connor, Petra, Russell, Octavia, Iain, and Taleah--ronin child prodigies and castaway geniuses too smart for the traditional higher educational system. For Connor Randall, it is the great intellectual challenge he has been seeking his entire life. But there are secrets."Why me? It was this question that made me certain that there had to be a secret plan. But long before then I noticed things that should have been kept hidden." In the beginning, there is an absence of turbulence. Underlying instabilities appear. Flaws in the system are revealed. The second law of thermodynamics law mandates that in closed systems, chaos always prevails. But even in light of this ultimate tendency, small salvations are available within the process. In the end, however, the entire system, finally overtaken by entropy, has to collapse, and the implications are catastrophic.

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