Changing Your Inner Voice di Arthur Ciaramicoli edito da
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Changing Your Inner Voice

A Journey through Depression to Truth and Love






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Descrizione Changing Your Inner Voice

Your self voice is a critical factor in beating depression. In my 30-plus years of clinical practice I have learned that the way we talk to ourselves, whether we have an understanding or punitive internal voice, determines our mood. I will share several diverse stories of my clients who have suffered from depression and now live depression free. If you do the work I recommend in each chapter, you will likely begin the very important process of seeing yourself in a more positive light. Globally, 350 million people suffer from depression and 1 in 10 Americans say they suffer from depression as well. Fifty years ago, the average age of a depressive episode was close to 30 years of age; today it is 14.5 years of age. Depression is a global problem affecting virtually every nation. As you read through these chapters, I hope you will be able slowly begin to change the way you talk to yourself. Together, we will take part in a journey to defeat depression by making a commitment to change the course of your life.

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