Changing the System: The Music of Christian Wolff di Stephen Chase edito da Taylor & Francis Ltd
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Changing the System: The Music of Christian Wolff





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Descrizione Changing the System: The Music of Christian Wolff

Christian Wolff is a composer who has followed a distinctive path often at the centre of avant-garde activity working alongside figures such as John Cage, Merce Cunningham, and Cornelius Cardew. In a career spanning sixty years, he has produced a significant and influential body of work that has aimed to address, in a searching and provocative manner, what it means to be an experimental and socially aware artist. This book provides a wide-ranging introduction to a composer often overlooked despite his influence upon many of the major figures in new music since the 1950s from Cage to John Zorn to the new wave of experimentalists across the globe. Music from his earliest compositions of the 1950s, the highly indeterminate scores, the politically-inspired pieces up to the most recent works are discussed in detail, both in relation to their compositional techniques, general aesthetic development, and matters of performance. With a foreword by his close associate Michael Parsons, this is a valuable addition to experimental music literature.

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