Change It! di Lombardi Amadeus Lombardi edito da Clink Street Publishing
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Change It!

The Secrets Of Happiness & Fulfillment In Life, Through Change!





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Descrizione Change It!

Do you fear change? Are you stuck in a mundane routine? Are you depressed by life, by your achievements and outcomes? Are you striving to change your life without success? In his first book, Change it! The secrets of happiness and fulfilment in life, through change!young motivational speaker Amadeus Lombardi shares his insight and advice on how to immediately take charge of your life in order to radically change it for the better, discovering your true purpose and realising your dreams along the way. Change is a never-ending but essential process, one which helps you to achieve everything you want. Lombardi provides guidance throughout this daunting and exhausting process. Real-life experiences and relatable situations give readers practical and tangible takeaways. From personal to corporate successes, from fulfilling dreams to coping with failure, this book is an important tool for those working towards meaningful change. Change is something we don't need to go through alone; it's never too late to change, to get help, and to realise our dreams: remember we're all worth it!

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