A Change Is Gonna Come di Vernon Robinson Jr edito da iUniverse
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A Change Is Gonna Come

A Memoir of Coping with the Harsh Realities of Life







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Descrizione A Change Is Gonna Come

Vernon Robinson Jr. knows we all share a common bond that is more than just the blood we shed, the color of our skin, or the universal language we speak. That common bond is adversity. In this true story, Robinson, who has seen his share of struggles in his lifetime, offers a poignant glimpse into his forty-year journey to conquer his childhood demons, overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles, learn to believe in himself, and pursue his dreams. Robinson begins by detailing a difficult childhood in which he was forced at a young age to cope with death and endure an abusive home environment. Seemingly destined to walk a dark path, Robinson shares how he turned to the streets and was challenged to avoid drugs, gangs, and crime. Determined to turn his life around, Robinson eventually joined the Marines where he pushed boundaries, embraced opportunities, and utilized his street smarts. But with the good came a relentless fear of failure and another devastating life experience that threatened his survival. As he chronicles how he managed to overcome his most daunting challenge, Robinson proves to younger generations that anything is possible. A Change Is Gonna Come shares one man's powerful journey through life as he learned to overcome adversity and became a decorated marine, a devoted husband, and a proud advocate of diabetes awareness.

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