Chain of Peace di Russell Scalia edito da iUniverse
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Chain of Peace







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The soulhell stirred within the dark recesses of the void that confined it as it began to feel its master's presence. The creature did not wish its slumber to be disturbed because the void was cold and empty, a formless cavity of blackness without sound or substance. Soon it recognized the presence that reached out to it and it could not resist. At long last someone had come to break the dreaded silence that had driven the creature mad. At first the presence seemed merely an illusion and only slowly did the soulhell feel its full force? It would live again. Steal a soul so that it could walk once more upon the earth. . Sollyhnn awoke with a start, unable to rid his mind of the nightmares that had haunted his thoughts for the last twelve evenings. He slowly left his bed; his mind still caught between dreams and reality and unknowingly began a journey that would take him through worlds he had never imagined existed and years to complete.

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