Cecelia: A Memoir of Lesbian Love and Loss di Astrid Lindstrom edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Cecelia: A Memoir of Lesbian Love and Loss

A Memoir of Lesbian Love and Loss



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Descrizione Cecelia: A Memoir of Lesbian Love and Loss

Having found love in middle age, Astrid and Cecelia created a beautiful life together full of family, friends, meaningful work, and shared passions. Then everything changed. This warm, honest book tells the story of their journey through love, cancer, and loss. Author Astrid Lindstrom carried on with a brave and open heart and now offers her courage, grace, and wisdom to you. While her story is especially meaningful to those in the LGBTQ+ community dealing with the illness of a partner, this insightful book is helpful for anyone dealing with the illness and loss of a loved one as well as for professionals in supportive roles. Cecelia will penetrate your own sense of isolation and desperation as you and your loved one confront illness and death. By the time you've read the last page, you will no longer feel so alone and scared. You will have found the courage to face illness, death, and grief in your own family, and you will understand how to help others do the same.

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