CBT for Psychotherapists di Avigdor Bonchek edito da Partridge Singapore
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CBT for Psychotherapists

Theory and Practice





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Descrizione CBT for Psychotherapists

Avigdor Bonchek, a clinical psychologist, explores how cognitive behavioral therapy and treatment programs that derive from the theory can help solve a variety of psychological problems in CBT for Psychotherapists. Drawing on professional literature and his decades of professional experience, he encourages readers and practitioners to think critically when deciding how to use CBT. In straightforward language, he explains what CBT is-and isn't-and how it differs from other approaches. He also highlights some of the strengths of CBT, including: • It takes a here-and-now approach: Knowledge of the patient's past is not essential to helping the patient solve his problem. • It offers an individualized treatment plan for each patient: There is no "one size fits all" to solve problems. • It outlines clear behavioural goals for patients: CBT helps people overcome their problems. • Therapists take an active role: They direct the therapy, assign homework, and coach their patients • Lastly, CBT therapists usually see their patients as having a problem rather than seeing them as problem patients. Filled with examples, anecdotes, and insights on varied approaches, this book is a balanced guide to CBT for new and experienced therapists alike.

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