Cavanaugh di Tom Taylor edito da AuthorHouse
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Descrizione Cavanaugh

At the end of the War Between The States, Frank Cavanaugh had led a party of displaced soldiers from Virginia to Cache Valley in the Utah Territory. Having stayed only a short time, he had moved on further west, and over the next thirteen years built a reputation as a man who could find anything or anyone for the right price. It had also had gained him more than a few scars, very few friends, considerable money, and the name "Manhunter". Now he had accepted a job to find and return the missing son of a railroad tycoon, and the trail had led him back to the Rocky Mountains, to the town of Juniper Flat. Here Cavanaugh finds people who appear peaceful and friendly on the surface, are fiercely loyal to their friends, and ready to fight if necessary, to defend and protect their friends and their way of life. This peaceful-appearing little town is as tough as any Cavanaugh has ever found. Fast with a gun, dogged in his searches, adept at reading people and trails alike, Cavanaugh has always been a man to be dealt with on his own terms, but when he announces his mission he soon finds the people willing to put "his terms" to the test. He soon finds some of them to be unpredictable and thoroughly dangerous, and most of the citizens of Juniper Flat are as tough as he is...and he finds this to be very much to his liking. You can ride into Juniper Flat and watch Cavanaugh, "Cherokee John", Pete Oakes, Kate, Amanda, Jesse, the Pendry family, Greenriver and all the rest and follow them as Cavanaugh gets to know them, sorts out the good from the bad, makes close friends with some, and works it all through to the end.

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