Caught Up in You di Shawn McGee edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Caught Up in You





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Descrizione Caught Up in You

The world considers Corey to be an unhinged maniac with an uncontrolled libido even though he defeated the lieutenant in control of the gargoyles. His joining the Fey Spring Court, the Court of passion, intimacy, youthful, and fertility has not improved their opinion. He is dating Nicole to keep her from an arranged marriage. Now she is pregnant and he and Rebecca can't get past they made the worst mistake of their lives not staying together. The world will end in three weeks at the minute of dark during the winter solstice if Corey can't get his head in the game, train his team, convince Rebecca to give up on them forever to become the Scion of the New Church, so that he can banish the evil back to the Realm of darkness.

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