Catalyst: The Gateways Series di Robin A. R. Halsey edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Catalyst: The Gateways Series

The Gateways Series





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Descrizione Catalyst: The Gateways Series

The truth was . . . he should have let him die. The souls trapped within the book have been given a chance at freedom but the cost will be great if they go free. Kuma knows the legend, or the part of it that he paid attention to. He knows that it's his place to protect the royal who is next to carry the secret of the Book of Ivory. He also knows that his visions of the future differ from those who've come before. When the Book of Ivory awakens and the souls within are allowed their chance at freedom, Kuma is thrust onto the path that he spent his life dreading. A path that could cost him everything. A path that only has one end. Death. Family secrets, forbidden magic, and ancient souls collide on the journey to the gateways. **Start your journey toward the gateways today!** CATALYST, book one in this grimdark fantasy series, begins with death and sacrifice and continues to shed blood and feathers as the daemons awaken. The Gateways In an attempt to end the great war, the fates endeavoured to seal the seven gates, placing six keys amongst the divinely born to appease the demands of the gods. Unbeknownst to the gods, the fates bound their enemy, the daemons, as guardians to the mortals of Graythal. This knowledge was then buried in legend and mostly forgotten. Trigger Warnings: This book contains abduction, alcoholism, amputation, blood, cults, death, domestic abuse, drinking, forced captivity, kidnapping, murder, pregnancy, torture, violence, and weapons.

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