Cast Your Bread di Warren Ravenscroft edito da Xlibris
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Cast Your Bread

More Devotional Talks and Bible Studies for the Busy Leader.







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Descrizione Cast Your Bread

In the first book, Devotional Talks for the Busy Leader, and the second book, Bible Studies for the Busy Leader, the author sought to bring easy reading material to those who chose to explore the word of God. Again in this book, easy reading material has been produced, in essence, making God's word easier to understand. More Devotional Talks and More Bible Studies have been added to those already produced to take those who seek further enlightenment on a journey only God can make happen through the Holy Spirit. As with all the previous writings, what is done with the revelations revealed is the most important issue we can embrace in our spiritual lives. It is all about God and nothing about the individual. To those who seek, with all their heart will be rewarded by God, revealing secrets to them through the Holy Spirit in his time and at his pace. It is a learning and growing process. Through these easy-read talks and studies, the author hopes to awaken a keener interest in the word of life. Our spiritual life and the teaching combined should take us to heights we would never have expected for those who are of the called. While much happens in our lives, the author has shared his own life and how God has worked through many channels to bring the revealed word into his life. While his journey or walk has always been about trust in a God to direct his life, the way God chose to do this has, in hindsight, left the author with a sense of "Why me?" As you read, may you to experience the riches of God's word, as he reveals himself to your own heart.

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