Casino Chiseler di Leopold Borstinski edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Casino Chiseler

Alex Cohen




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Would you gamble everything you possess to win more than you can imagine? Jewish gangster, Alex Cohen leaves jail to find salvation from the 1940s mob in the hotels of Las Vegas. When Bugsy Siegel invites him to take over sports betting in Nevada, Alex must figure out how to get back to the top table in New York without attracting the Feds' attention. If he succeeds then he will regain his self respect, but if he fails then the last members of the national crime syndicate will cut him dead and he will be left a nobody or wind up a corpse. And after he bumps into his childhood sweetheart, he has a once in a lifetime opportunity to win her heart. But Alex knows the criminal underworld has the habit of spilling over into his personal life and when Meyer Lansky asks him to murder Siegel, Alex must choose what is truly important to him. The fourth book in the Alex Cohen series is an historical thriller novel, which rips open the Jewish mob's involvement in the birth of modern Vegas. Leopold Borstinski's shattering crime fiction deals a royal flush to each reader. Grab your copy NOW.

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