Casebook for the Foundation: A Great American Secret di Joel L. Fleishman, J. Scott Kohler, Steven Schindler edito da PUBLICAFFAIRS
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Casebook for the Foundation: A Great American Secret

A Great American Secret





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Descrizione Casebook for the Foundation: A Great American Secret

Unique in all the world, the American foundation sector has been an engine of social change for more than a century. In this companion volume to The Foundation: A Great American Secret , Joel Fleishman, Scott Kohler, and Steven Schindler explore 100 of the highest-achieving foundation initiatives of all time. Based on a rich array of sources- from interviews with the principals themselves to contemporaneous news accounts to internal evaluation reports- this volume presents brief case studies of foundation success stories across virtually every field of human endeavor. The influence of the foundations on American, and indeed global society, has only occasionally come into the public view. For every well-known foundation achievement- Andrew Carnegie's massive library building program or the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's public efforts to curb tobacco use- there are a great many lesser-known, but often equally important stories to be told. The cases in this volume provide a wealth of evidentiary support for Joel Fleishman's description of, and recommendations for, the foundation sector. With lessons for grant-makers, grant-seekers, public officials, and public-spirited individuals alike, this casebook pieces together 100 stories, some well known, others never before told, and offers hard proof of the foundation sector's immense and enduring impact on scientific research, education, public policy, and many other fields. The work that foundations have supported over the past century has achieved profound results. Yet foundations are capable of more and better. This volume, a window onto great successes of the past and present, is at once a look back, a look around, and a point of reference as we turn to the future.

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