Case-based Atlas of  Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance edito da Springer International Publishing
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Case-based Atlas of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance





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Descrizione Case-based Atlas of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance

This book offers a practical guidance to healthcare professionals interested in learning how to make adequate clinically-oriented use of cardiovascular MRI. Thanks to its case-based approach, it provides a detailed guide to MRI applications in the most common clinical cardiovascular scenarios. Chapters describe a number of real clinical cases, including concise clinical data, clear descriptions of the most relevant information obtained from MRI and of their meaning in terms of patient management. Emphasis is placed on traditional as well as newer MRI techniques, always keeping a practical format, focused on the hands-on knowledge required for an accurate image interpretation. In the online version, the text of each case is supplemented with additional images and videos, certainly making this book a useful resource for understanding how MRI principles apply to real clinical cardiovascular situations.

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