Cars from my Old Country di Miroslav Synek edito da New Generation Publishing
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Cars from my Old Country

Czechoslovakian Cars 1918-1989





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Descrizione Cars from my Old Country

Czechoslovakian cars represent an interesting part of European automotive heritage, but with the exception of ¿kodas they are little known in the UK. This book covers the history of car design and production in Czechoslovakia from 1918 to 1989. Production cars and some interesting prototypes are described with their technical details, strong points and weaknesses. While some Czechoslovakian cars were ground-breaking, others were more conservative. However, they were mostly well built and reliable, admittedly with some sad exceptions. The more important models are compared with their British and continental European counterparts. The book contains a number of photographs, both originals and those showing restored cars. While more than 90% of the book focuses on the technical side, Cars From My Old Country also summarises the historic and political context in which these cars were designed and built.

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