A Carnival of Lies di Vernon L. Anley edito da OakTara Publishers

A Carnival of Lies





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Descrizione A Carnival of Lies

The Gestapo arrested my father in Berlin in the summer of 1933.When he asked why, he was told, "We do not give reasons."This fictional autobiography of an undercover agent in Nationalist Socialist Germany portrays with unembellished clarity the horrors of the Nazi regime, contrasted to those whose faith in humankind-even when they perish-outlasts those terrible years. Highly recommended.ALAN SCOTT, CVO, CBE, lately Governor of the Cayman IslandsTotalitarianism has never seemed more subtle, insidious, and in the end more terrifying. An outstanding book, beautifully written and absorbing.J.K. TAPLIN Anley's nightmarish narrative about a nation led into infamy gallops on at a pace and style guaranteed to hold the reader's attention from the start. A powerful story of human survival against all odds and a triumph of hope over despair.RAYMOND ZALA By Vernon L. Anley, author of An Unholy Love

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