Carlos Grayhawk and the Amazing Four di J. A. Coronado edito da Page Publishing, Inc.
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Carlos Grayhawk and the Amazing Four





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Descrizione Carlos Grayhawk and the Amazing Four

Roary Lyon is one more disappointing basketball season away from losing his head coaching job. His search for that winning combination has eluded him as he wants great players, not just good ones. With his job on the line, he finds that great player in Carlos Grayhawk, who came with a troubled past. Carlos is a legend on the courts of his Navajo nation and only wants to prove himself as a winner and leave his mistakes behind. Steve and Oky are hometown twins who live and breathe basketball. Their goal is to play college ball together, and they are determined not to let their small five-foot-eight height deter them from that dream. Absko Oduya is a tall seven-foot long-distance runner from Kenya, who desired to be a track star like his father. But an unforeseen issue will find him sitting out his freshman year and catching the eye of the basketball department. Coach Lyon will get his winning combination from this group of unlikely players who are young and inexperienced but courageous at heart. They'll find themselves in the land of giants in the collegiate world, the sports world, and in a world where trouble and pain don't limit themselves to the basketball court. This is the story of four young players and a determined coach thrust into the spotlight of the college basketball arena and of their driven spirit to persevere in the face of giants abroad and from those within.

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