The Caregiver's Choice: Find Strength and Serenity by Changing Your Mind di Elaine Long edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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The Caregiver's Choice: Find Strength and Serenity by Changing Your Mind

Find Strength And Serenity By Changing Your Mind







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Descrizione The Caregiver's Choice: Find Strength and Serenity by Changing Your Mind

The Caregiver's Choice offers solid, uplifting advice presented in a compelling way as it presents the simple truths caregivers need to focus on in order to maintain a peaceful life despite the burden of caring for a loved one who cannot care for themselves. Elaine Long has been there-not once, but twice-and shares her personal experiences as a caregiver both to her mother and husband. Long infuses home-grown wisdom with an empathetic approach as she covers the broad mental and physical issues of caregiving such as learning to forgive family members, avoiding unfounded optimism, and battling gloom. Long includes the techniques and philosophies that provide caregivers internal strength and coping skills as they face common challenges. Caregivers will learn specifically how to: Find strength and support in others Deal effectively with the medical community Focus on one task at a time Release anger and guilt Grow with grief and find hope This powerful and valuable resource provides deep insight and an honest portrayal of the life of a caregiver, helping anyone caring for a dying loved one, whether in the home or in an outside facility, to find peace and joy in every day.

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