In a Cardboard Belt!: Essays Personal, Literary, and Savage di Joseph Epstein edito da MARINER BOOKS
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In a Cardboard Belt!: Essays Personal, Literary, and Savage

Essays Personal, Literary, and Savage





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Descrizione In a Cardboard Belt!: Essays Personal, Literary, and Savage

Taking his title from the wounded cry of the once great Max Bialystock in The Producers ? ?Look at me now! Look at me now! I'm wearing a cardboard belt!? ? the charming essayist Joseph Epstein gives us his largest and most adventurous collection to date. With his signature gifts of sparkling humor and penetrating intelligence, he issues forth as a memoirist, polemicist, literary critic, and amused observer of contemporary culture. In deeply considered examinations of writers from Paul Valéry to Truman Capote, in incisive take-downs of such cultural pooh-bahs as Harold Bloom and George Steiner, and in personally revealing essays about his father and about his years as a teacher, this remarkable collection from one of America's best essayists is a book to be savored.

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