Car Parking Using Puzzling Logic With Code Lock System di Ashwini Pachhade edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Car Parking Using Puzzling Logic With Code Lock System

Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering





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Descrizione Car Parking Using Puzzling Logic With Code Lock System

In today¿s developing world, 'Electronics' have made many impossible things possible, the whole world is revolving around electronics. Due to automation the working at risky places has become easier than what it was few years ago. Now a days, in all the fields we work into, there are many gifts of electronics. We are developing a system of 'Automatic Car Parking' which will be controlled by a single chip micro-controller. The system is developed using the puzzle logic.Thus plenty of cars can be parked in this fashion. In metro cities and multi-story buildings, there is no enough space for parking cars. Hence this car parking system makes it possible to park cars in multi floor fashion.

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