Captured by His Glory di P. Felix Efiri edito da Blessed Hope Publishing
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Captured by His Glory





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Descrizione Captured by His Glory

¿Some are still preaching, singing and prophesying, and God has turned off their microphones! That is why we are hearing a 'leftover' word because they have no fresh bread! They do not even realize God has raised a David, a No Name to take their place! They refused to obey, so, those God had hidden are about to come to the forefront.¿ - Jennifer Sanders. "Captured by His Glory" is a book written for the individual Christian, willing to take advantage of the times we are in. It is written to expose those God had hidden and prepared for the forefront. It carries within itself the ingredient to spark, and set you ablaze for God. Until you are captured by His Glory, Christianity would be a mere religion to you. Religion is a burden difficult to bear; it stinks and makes its practitioners exist without living. Religion presents you titles, and denies you mantle for kingdom assignment.

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