Cancer Neuroscience edito da Springer International Publishing
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Cancer Neuroscience





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Descrizione Cancer Neuroscience

This volume is the first on the market to address and discuss the emerging field of cancer neuroscience. Edited by pioneers in the field with contributions from top researchers, the volume serves as a comprehensive overview of the role of nerves in tumorigenesis and cancer progression. Chapters will address how the innervation of tumors can serve as both prognostic and predictive biomarkers as well as actionable therapeutic targets. Authors will describe current research efforts, and future directions for study and translation to the clinic. It is becoming increasingly apparent that certain treatments will need to consider interactions between the nervous system and cancer, and the novel concepts presented in the book address related accumulating evidence regarding therapeutic strategies. This unique volume will be useful for cancer researchers, neuroscientists, cancer biologists, oncologists, and others looking to gain a greater understanding of this emerging field.

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