I Can Breastfeed di Kristina Chamberlain Cnm Arnp Ibclc edito da iUniverse
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I Can Breastfeed

Visualize Your Way to Breastfeeding Success







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Descrizione I Can Breastfeed

"This book is empowering, informative, and made me believe in affirmations!" -Abby Sher, author of Amen, Amen, Amen and Breastfeeding Mom Part self-help guide, part nursing companion, I Can Breastfeed: Visualizing Your Way to Breastfeeding Success off ers help in preparing for the arrival of a new baby. Learn to use visualization and affirmations to build confidence and foster a successful breastfeeding relationship with your baby. Based upon her experience as a lactation consultant, midwife, and mother of two, Kristina Chamberlain, CNM, ARNP, IBCLC, provides practical advice for the new mom and the working mom. Gain confidence on a variety of breastfeeding topics: ¿ Benefits of breastfeeding ¿ Expectations for the first two weeks of your baby's life ¿ Proper breastfeeding positions and latch ¿ Common breastfeeding obstacles and how to avoid them ¿ Appropriate birth control while nursing ¿ Preparations for going back to work I Can Breastfeed provides ten visualization exercises and over forty affirmations that will motivate you to believe that breastfeeding is not only the normal but the very best way to feed your baby.

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