Cambridge IGCSE (TM) Chemistry Study And Revision Guide Third Edition di David Besser edito da Hodder Education
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Cambridge IGCSE (TM) Chemistry Study And Revision Guide Third Edition





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Descrizione Cambridge IGCSE (TM) Chemistry Study And Revision Guide Third Edition

Stretch yourself to achieve the highest grades, with structured syllabus coverage, varied exam-style questions and annotated sample answers, to help you to build the essential skill set for exam success.- Benefit from expert advice and tips on skills and knowledge from experienced subject authors- Target revision and focus on important concepts and skills with key objectives at the beginning of every chapter- Keep track of your own progress with a handy revision planner- Consolidate and apply your understanding of key content with revision activities, short 'Test yourself' and exam-style questions- Apply your understanding of essential practical and mathematical skills with Skills boxes including worked examples

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